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UNC, Basically

A site by current students for future students.

There's nothing like living on campus at Carolina!

With the right investment and engagement, living on campus can change your life! While living in the residence halls, you will never again be closer to the heart of the Carolina experience. There will be countless opportunities for collaborations on classroom projects, enthralling conversations on world issues, and social connections with Tar Heels from across the globe.

Home is where the heart is. Make sure to pick the right one.

If you're trying to decide what spot on campus is best for you, take this quiz to find out!
Living on campus can be one of the best ways to meet some of the best people ever. All first year students must live on campus and 45% of the student body lives on campus overall. First year students aren't allowed to have a car on campus, so if you're going to be stranded, it's best to be stranded with people that you get along with.

Community Residence Halls in the Community Location on campus
Carmichael Carmichael Mid-Campus
Cobb Cobb North Campus
Connor Alexander, Connor, Joyner, Winston North Campus
Craige Craige South Campus
Ehringhaus Ehringhaus South Campus
Hinton James Hinton James South Campus
Kenan Alderman, Kenan, McIver, Spencer North Campus
Manning East Horton, Koury South Campus
Manning West Craige North, Hardin South Campus
Morrison Morrison South Campus
Lower Quad Aycock, Everett, Graham, Lewis, Stacey North Campus
Upper Quad Grimes, Mangum, Manly, Old East, Old West, Ruffin North Campus
Parker Avery, Teague, Parker Mid-Campus
Ram Village Ram Village 1, 2, 3, 5, Taylor Hall Very South Campus
Taylor (Ram Village 4)

Housing Testimonials

Ben Clary (Junior Environmental Studies Major): "I lived in Ehringhaus and Parker. I definitely had some rough times with housing at UNC. I had some issues with my first roommate but my Residential Advisor did a great job of handling the situation. However, I have very fond memories of the people that I met and the relationships I made with them. I made some of my best friends due to campus housing and the convenience is something that I always loved. I would say it is definitely an important part of college to have the experience of living with a roommate."

Robert West (Junior Statistics and Analytics Major): "I've lived in Ehringhaus, Joyner, and Connor. I had some of the best experiences of my life because of housing. There are always things like not getting to control the AC in North Campus dorms or the occasional rude suitemate that can be really annoying, but they don't compare to the friends that you will meet in your time on campus. I strongly recommend living on South Campus for your first year to meet a lot of people in the same boat as you."